About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Want to Judge Me? Make Sure Your Hands Are Clean First...

Throughout my life, I have been mis-judged by people. The decisions that I make for myself are often criticised by others. My actions are often misunderstood and taken wrongly by people.

Firstly, before you decide to judge me, please make sure that your hands clean enough and your life is sinless.
Secondly, before you jump to conclusions of who you think I am, please ask yourself if you did walk the same path and share the exact experience as I did? Plus, do you know me well enough to give your opinion?
Thirdly, before you open your mouth to gossip about me, please ensure you have heard the two sides to my story and understood every piece of information presented to you.
Fourthly, before you point your finger at me to criticized me, please ensure that you are some God  or Buddha or Goddess or Almighty. 
Fifthly, before you backstab me, please be sure that you protect yourself from something called 'Karma' aka 'Retribution'. 

It is so sickening to be constantly living under the eyes of others and be ruled as a misfit to the society or to the family.
It is so tiring ro be leading my life according to others' expectation of me, according my 'social status'.
Yes, I have made some bad decisions and choices in life. But who hasn't made wrong choices in their lives only to pick up the mess later?
Even if I do make the wrong turns in life (according to you), it's my life and only I would have the rights to rule it. I am the one walking this life path not you and don't worry, I wouldn't drag you into it if you are not willing to support me.

I am me. Only I can decide what's best for myself. I will choose when to open a new chapter and when to close a chapter in my own life... Stop judging and interfering into my life and concentrate in managing your own life. Thank you.

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