About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Uncertain Future

How do I reassure myself that I won't make the same mistake of trusting the wrong guy again?
How can I tell myself that history won't repeat itself in the future?
How can I promise myself that I won't get myself into the same predicament as I was before?
How do I encourage myself to take the risk and walk.into marriage again?
How do I reinforce myself that I would be truly happy and blissful under his care forever?
How do I show myself evidence of his love, care and concern for me is genuine?
How do I assure myself that this bliss I am experiencing will be everlasting?
How do I challenge myself to take this step of being someone's wife again?
How do I build my own confidence in him that he won't change after marriage like that previous jerk?
How do I shake off all these bad memories and overlook the scars that I suffered in the past?

I walked away from a disastrous marriage in April 2012 and wonder if is it too soon for me to step into another potential marriage?
I battled nearly a month of agony facing impending divorce and survived with scars that remind myself of what I had to go through to be who I am and where I am now.  Am I ready to entrust my happiness to another guy?
I gave myself a brand new brave start last year to end up walking into a potential marriage that my parents would furiously object. (Anyway, when have they ever approved any boyfriends of mine...)

3 weeks more to the first year anniversary of the relationship. How time flies? Although this relationship is only 1 year old, I feel very much connected and comfortable with him. It seems like I know him for more than an year.

I have never been lucky in my love life. Hopefully, this time it will be an exception to end all those curses of failed relationship and marriage. Amen.

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