About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Submitted a Long Due Letter

Today is the day I submit my long due resignation letter. I didn't submit it personally to my nursing manager as I felt that I wouldn't have the courage or heart to witness her reaction. Although, it was never a secret to her that I was planning to leave but I still think the resignation would come as a surprise.

I just left the resignation letter on her table for her to discover it later today.

I had thought that I would experience a sense of happiness after submission of the resignation letter but instead, a sense of mixed emotions overwhelmed me: relieve yet sad, happiness yet reluctance,  satisfaction yet anger.

So guess this is it! I am finally doing what I had planned,  to start my life anew with another organisation, where no one knows that I am a divorcee and where no one knows my dark, hidden secrets. Starting in new workplace, where I would I start life afresh and hopefully succeed in my dreams of being an educator to my juniors, team player to my colleagues, advocate and advisor to my patients.

I wouldn't be saying where I am heading to on this blog as I want to play safe, just in case my ex-husband still reads this blog. I don't wish him to disrupt my future plans and new life. But I have done as 'promised' to him, to start a better new life without him, to move on to a more blissful future without him.

May God bless this new future and new career that I am seeking. Amen.

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