About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Trials and Tribulations

Do I always have to go through so much obstacles just to get what I want or wish for?
Does it always have to be so hard for me to achieve happiness and smoothness in life?
Is it always so difficult for me to be granted peace in my life?
Why does my life have to go through so much drastic changes for these past few years?
Where is the fairness of the world?
What happened to the justice and karma?
Who can furthur predict my future so I could be more or less prepared mentally for any furthur downfalls?
When will I experience ultimate, everlasting bliss again?

Wish that someone has the answers to the above questions...

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