About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Read from an email sent by my aunt...

What is the marriage for if it has reached this unfriendly, problematic, and suspicious stage between two so-called husband and wife: who once sworn to love each other and die for each other.

In life please don’t be too naive to take love at ‘face’ value.
Love like weather, could change suddenly: if lucky into just a shower or light rain. If unfortunate, it will turn into heavy winds & storm, uprooting trees and cause fellow branches to block roads etc.
When there is no happiness in marriage, it is better to have it broken up and live life a new again. Even though one may try to patch a sour relationship up, it may work for only a short time. If each party still harbour suspicion, hate and little love for the other, it will go back to "bad" days like before.

As the saying goes, if old and useless things not thrown away, new things will not come into your life.

How true, that is why I have walked away, never to look back and reconsider the option that you may ask for reconciliation one day. Honey, it is too late. The moment that I landed in Melbourne and entered St Paul's church, you have died in my heart.
Just in case you need to know, yes, I have forgiven you for hurting me badly. That is why I simply won't be bothered to get agitated when you screamed or shouted at me. I am least affected by your mood changes anymore.
God bless you and your future.

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