About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Friday, the 13th of April 2012: The End

I guess enough was enough for both of us. This time, I walked out with pride, no tears at all, no feelings of heartbroken-ness, only anger. Anger of time wasted. Anger of feeling unappreciated.

Guess now, it is all over. All the hopes of a successful marriage with him has ended.

This Sunday, I would walk back into that dog-shit hole, to retrieve all my personal items and bid goodbye to that place for good. No more room for forgiveness. No more space for love towards him again. Even my parents has given up hope on him, knowing that I have harden my heart.

I walked out of this marriage knowing that I have tried my best, done my best as his wife, committed myself fully with no regrets.

Once things are more or less settled, I would:
1) change my Facebook pictures, deleting him from my memories
2) throw out all of the items that would remind me of him
3) slowly learn the art of forgiving him for this failed relationship
4) may choose to leave Singapore and work overseas, with better prospects

CW and Vanessa, I back in the club with you peeps! Singlehood...


Clarice said...

jia you!
singles club is actually not that bad! hehe... at least u get to do whatever u wish and have all the freedom in the world u'd like :)
if u need someone to talk to, i'm always here (though quite far away). :)

Mint + Bitter Chocolate = Heaven said...

Thanks a lot :)
It is true friends like you that makes me feel better and stronger. Not so alone and isolated in facing this long & painful battle.
I know this just the begining of a ugly battle. I juz hope that I would have the strength to fight it all out.