About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Reasons I Came Out With Why You Left Us So Soon

Reason 1: You knew that David was leaving Cheryl on 19 Dec for America to work on a long-term basis, so you were afraid that if you leave us then, Cheryl won't have anyone to 'support' her through the grief of losing you.

Reason 2: You were afraid that Cheryl may not be able to cope with a double whammy if you choose to pass away after David's departure to America.

Reason 3: You knew that Aunt Josephine has a Christmas party back in Hong Kong, which she is unable to cancel on the 17 Dec and you wanted to make it easier for her to plan her time.

Reason 4: You knew that your children were already near breaking-point of wrenching each other's neck due to your treatment plans as well as they already had many underlying, unresolved issues through out the years, just that they were maintaining peace on the surface to please you but yet try can't take it any longer.

Reason 5: You probably guessed as much that you were down with cancer, even though we tried to hide it from you. Thus, you could feel your body failing you day by day and you couldn't bear to suffer anymore.

Reason 6: You knew that I was torn between postponing my degree studies, juggling work and taking care of you when your condition deteriorates further but yet you drag on. You somehow knew that I wanted to do you proud and fulfill your wishes for me to be a degree graduate but yet I was worried of being unable to cope with multi-tasking and playing so many roles.

Reason 7: You basically fulfilled what God has planned for you and that you have earned your right to go back to Him.

Reason 8: You are content that those who truly loved and treasured you were already back to Singapore and by your side.

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