About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Friday, February 10, 2012

What It Means 2 Be Blissfully Married

Q1) Define what is bliss?
Q2) How do you measure bliss?
Q3) It is an objective or subjective measurement?
Q4) What produce bliss?

I don't know what people think of my marriage. Some people feels I am blissful and there are those who feels
I am not blissful.
I admit my marriage isn't like perfect or neither is like a fairy tale. I also do have my unhappiness about it and I also feel that I am blessed in certain aspects.
Some feel that having a kid would complete my marriage but I beg to differ. I feel that having a kid gives the couple one more thing/matter to argue about.
Those who knows my prayer for the most ultimate miracle in my marriage also have advised me to leave this marriage and move on to someone who is better as well as able to provide me a 'complete' marriage. However, I feel that although 'it' lacks from my marriage but I am still satisfied in the other aspects of how he shows his love for me.
We have been together nearly 12 years now. I can't expect all the level of romance and passion to be so high and intense as when we first met and fell love. Moreover, most Asian men are known to be much less romantic and expressive after married. So
I don't expect much from him too. After all these years of being married and being together with him, I have learnt to be contented that at least he hasn't committed adultery or done anything to outright betray me.
Although he doesn't say much of 'I love you' anymore, I know he still does by his actions and SMS-es asking me for my whereabouts or if i had eaten my meals or if he need to get food for if I haven't eaten.
Although he doesn't hug or kiss me as much as compared to courtship days, I still know that I am important to him when I fall ill or even a minor headache sets him in this 'have you taken medication' mode and he would volunteer to get the medications for me and serve them to me.
Although, he doesn't say 'I miss you' anymore to me, but I know whenever I am on night duty, he would suffer from
a little insomnia during the nights without me by his side in bed.
Although, he doesn't show much bothered of me most of times, I know that I can trust and rely on him in the times of need. My hospitalisation 8 years back and during the recent demised of my granny, I can feel his effort to be there for me. The comparison between the significant events showed no difference in his actions of care and concern.

In conclusion, we have after-all transited from adolescence to young adults to working adults and there bound to be some change in both our character and personalities. Thus, as all as he remains faithful and loving in his non-verbal cues, I am contented and consider myself blissful despite what others all say...

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