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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Came across this MTV and song by Colbie Caillat called 'Try'.
It is meant for all woman out there, telling them to be themselves and that it is not necessary for them to put make-up on or to try so hard to achieve a slim figure so that they would be labelled as pretty or socially acceptable.

The truth is that I believe that every woman would like to be accepted for their natural looks: without make-up, hairy legs and armpits, flat chest, fat hips, bulging tummy, unruly hair or even balding head, short statue and lastly, un-manicured or un-pedicured self. However, it is the society that does not accept woman in their natural self without any nasty comments or gossiping.

Think about it:
- if a woman comes in well-dressed for a job interview but without make-up versus a woman who comes in well-dressed and with light make-up on, who do you think will likely get the job (presuming both of them are equally qualified)?
- if a woman goes out in a sleeveless top and shorts unshaven, bearing her hairy armpits and legs, what would people do? 'Stomp' her or post it on social media with hurtful captions as well as comments.
- if a flat-chested woman with bikini and a woman with fake boobs on a beach, which one do you think would get more positive attention?
- a flabby woman wears bikini versus a slim woman wearing bikini on the beach, which one would be getting mocking looks from others?

Thus, it is sad but the truth is that our society has yet to come to 'maturity' to accept au-naturel woman. So until that happens, women would still seek plastic surgery to alter their bodies, diet themselves, spend time on putting make-up, wear heels to achieve the height they desire, spend loads of money on facial care products as well as cosmetics, spend their time working out to achieve that body of models, spend hours shaving and doing mani-pedicure. Sigh... And yes, I am one of those woman except that I have given up dieting and taking pills to slim down, plus I am too poor to afford plastic surgeries.

PS: Your man/husband/fiance/boyfriend will say it is fine with them when you reveal your au-naturel look or self but honestly, they will still mind somehow if you go out with them without 'beautifying' yourself. Trust me on this. Man likes taking beautified girlfriend/fiancee/wife/woman out and 'show off' to the rest of the world just to boost his manly ego that he is capable in finding a beautiful and perfect woman to be his possession.

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