About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thoughts (Edited)

1) Wondering how you have been since we went our own ways about 1.5 years ago?
2) Wondering if you have done your own self-reflection and realized what a jerk you were and if do feel a tinge of regret that the marriage had ended in that way?
3) Wondering if you and your family have even moved from Sengkang as I never had a chance (not that I wanted to) bump into you while shopping at Compasspoint or being around Sengkang area to run errands?
4) Wondering if you still do read my blog or have you stopped as promised?
5) Wondering if you finally realized your own dreams to be successful in your career, pursued or pursuing your Masters, gotten your driving licence and own a car?
6) Wondering if karma has found you and taken revenge on my behalf?
As for myself, my life post-divorce is all in this blog. Wouldn't say it has been perfect, neither has it been smooth-sailing, but all I can say is that life hasn't knock me down enough to make me lay down motionless. I am still very much fighting my own race.
I am also no longer the same Amelia that you knew and left. I am much more confident and more sharped tongue when provoked, doubt you wouldn't been able to communicate with me on the same wavelength anymore.
I also have sufficient supportive close friends and relatives with the trials that I faced or am facing in life post-divorce. I am also much appreciative towars you somehow for the divorce. it made me stronger and freed me from an un-natural self. Like you have said to me, "Amelia, let's stop pretending and face it, the love is gone and forcing each other to accept one another isn't gonna work out anymore.", thanks for that wake-up call. Thanks for that snap of realization of truth, the truth that our love had long worn thin and that the marriage was maintained due to pride and fear of losing face.
Although I haven't been able to forgive and forget all that you done (and I know that I will never will), I am just glad I did walk away and survived.
All the best to you. All the best to me. All the best to us, without one another. All the best to us and our future.

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