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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fool In Love

爱一个人 需要缘份
你何苦让自己 越陷越深

爱一个人 别太认真
你受伤的眼神 令人心疼
没有一个人 非要另一个人
你又何苦逼自己 面对伤痕

感情的付出 不是真心就会有结果
别问怎么做 爱才能长久
昨天是恋人 今天说分手就分手
别问你的痛 要怎么解脱
多情的人注定 伤得比较久

爱若变成了刺 思念也成了痴

Chanced upon this song and found the lyrics meaningful, especially after a failed marriage and mistake made trusting + loving + choosing the wrong guy.
The lyrics of this song made me see what I fool I was hanging on and tolerating whatever changes and crap that he had put me through, just hoping the marriage would succeed. It was all one-sided: I am the only one working hard to hold onto a marriage that was doomed once the 'honeymoon' period was over since February 2007.
Like what others have told me, I bet that he is enjoying his life now, without me and here I am reminiscing the past but I guess like the song mentions, '多情的人注定 伤得比较久'. So whoever said that he loved me more than I loved him is total bullshit!
I just hope my second marriage (should that ever happens) wouldn't end up like my previous marriage.
I just hope that I have learnt to walk away should ever any cracks appear or tackle any cracks before deteriorations to the relationship happens.
I just hope that the guy I decide to marry next time would be mature enough to deal with problems that arises instead of 'running away' or sweeping the problem under the carpet.

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