About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Countdown: 3 days More

Come 31st July, Amelia would be single and availble once again!

With effect of 1st August, after the court mention of my divorce case on 31st July, I am officially allowed to spread my wings out as wide as I want to enjoy my re-instated single status. I am ready to shake off the thoughts of  being 'married' in status and be free with my own actions, to do whatever I like and  whenever I want without the fear of people gossiping behind my back or telling me that I am still legally 'married' to him.

It would also be a good time for me to experience all that I have missed out for the past 12 years. No more being restricted mentally of being 'attached' or 'answerable to a guy' for my actions and behaviours. No more such thing called betrayal or infidelity, until I managed to settle down my heart for another guy worthy of me. I would go back to those days, where I need not commit myself to anyone unless I find a guy who can ensure me of happiness and regain my trust again. God bless that lucky guy if he can ever win over Amelia's heart again. The previous guy didn't know how to treasure his wife, and probably still feel triumph over divorcing her. Let it be. Amelia is ready to regain her freedom and no one can ever stop her from doing whatever she wants and likes anymore. The chances of any guy giving her enough assurance to settle down again is slim. The chances of her falling truly in love ever again is slim. The chances of her commiting herself fully into a relationship again is slim.

I don't owe you no shit now. Since you have choosen this path and still don't regret it (from the last phone call, I doubt you ever will also), it is time, I live my life knowing you won't come back.

Goodbye married status, hello, single status!

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