About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dilemma Over Degree Studies

Have been contemplating whether I should postpone my degree studies until my granny had passed away for the fear of being unable to cope with multi-tasking.

Currently, granny's health is still manageable but I can see that she is slowly deteriorating and the end would be quite near. Moreover the doctors has given as a 6months to 1 year prognosis period, provided nothing drastic happens. So which means her condition would most likely to go down hill after a period of time. I have self nominated myself to be the main advisor of the family as well as palliative 'nurse' should she need any palliative care during period when she deteriorates and needs palliative management. I would predict that when that time comes, I would practically need to be available for at least weekly house visits and frequent phone advise.

As such, I am worried that I would not be able to cope with studying, working and caring for my granny all at once. Not to forget my new house would also be ready by mid to end of 2012, which also coincides with my 6-12mths prognosis period. So I am not sure if I would be able to cope with these things happening all around the same time.

Yet, if I postpone my studies, I wouldn't be able to fulfill my own wish for my granny to witness me attaining my degree when she is alive. Although she doesn't say so but from young, she has always encouraged me to study as much as I can and if possible go to 'university'.

This year when I graduated from my Advanced Diploma, she didn't manage to attend the graduation ceremony, so I really want her to see me wear the mortar board when I do graduate from my degree course. She would be like one of my few motivational factors why I must pass my degree course.

I am so not sure if I should defer my studies to 2013 instead??? We'll see and play by ear.

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