About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last Lap

Today, I was told by my lecturer that the whole class has passed their exams and can get ready for graduation (provided we passed the OJT)... Woo Hoo!!! So finally, I am on my final lap before securing my Advance Diploma!!!

Recently, I was starting to miss the studying 'effect' as I have started to go back to my shift work, even though I am still carrying the status of a student nurse, I am expected to work and be competent like a full-flegded RN, which is good and bad....

Was thinking of studying somemore, like a degree in nursing... but... back to the same old low esteem of unsure if I can pull through the studying phrase and graduate with a degree. Don't want to waste time and money if I don't succeed in getting the degree...

Anyways, to reward myself, I went on a nice dinner at The Cathay Restaurant with hubby and topped off the evening with Shrek: The Final Chapter 3D! Cool!!!

Love the show, love the 3D effect!!!


Clarice said...

u can study part-time, and work at the same time... can u, for nursing course? hmmm... in that way u can study + earn money, plus get a degree...

Mint + Bitter Chocolate = Heaven said...

can... but...
i am not sure if i am up to standard and able to take the stress of part time studies + work at the same time...

Clarice said...

i'm sure u can. have some faith in urself