* Guo da li or betrothal
When: One or two weeks before the wedding
What: Gifts and cash are delivered to the bride's home by the groom's family. The bride's family will take some of the items and return the rest to avoid the impression that they are selling their daughter.
Why: It shows the groom's financial dependability and assures the bride's family that she will be well taken care of after marriage.
Must-have items: Pin jin (money in red packets), jewellery for Teochews (si dian jin), dried seafood for Cantonese, pig trotters for Hokkiens, oranges, liquor and dragon and phoenix candles
Symbolism: Pin jin is given to the bride's family for taking care of her. Accepting the dragon candles signifies that her family accepts him as a son-in-law. Offering the phoenix candles to the groom's family symbolises the giving of their daughter's hand.
* Dowry
When: On the same day after offering the guo da li
What: Gifts are presented from the bride's parents to their daughter and future son-in-law.
Why: The gifts are to bless the couple and to show that the bride is ready to take the new roles of wife and mum.
Must-have items: Baby bathtub, potty, basin, sewing kit, tea sets, bowl set, lamps and towels
Symbolism: The baby bathtub, basin and potty are to encourage the couple to have children. The sewing kit signifies a capable wife, the wedding lamps a bright future and the bowls abundant food.
* An chuang or bed installation
When: 8.30pm on the eve of the wedding
What: Items are placed on the marriage bed and the couple is not allowed to enter the room until the wedding ceremony is over.
Why: It symbolises good health, abundance of fortune and offspring for the couple.
Must-have items: Eight types of auspicious seeds and grains, oranges, red packets, metallic discs (da yuan and xiao yuan)
Symbolism: The discs signify a blissful marriage while the foodstuff is to bless the couple with children early.
* Hair combing
When: After 11pm on the eve of the wedding. In the Chinese calendar, any time after 11pm denotes the next day
What: The bride and groom's hair are combed by their parents. The father recites the blessing while the mother combs the hair three times.
Why: Each stroke holds an auspicious meaning for the various stages of life after marriage
Must-have items: Combs, sewing kit, mirrors, red string and ruler
Symbolism: The red string, which signifies a blessing, is used to tie the bride's hair. The ruler is to remind the couple to cherish the relationship and take care of the family.
are u gonna do ALL that???
gosh... weddings are so mind-boggling! that's why I am single and not intending to wed! :\
some yes... and most of it no! I will die if I follow all these rules and traditions...
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