About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Conclusion

My husband went back to own home last evening and had a talk with his mum. The conclusion was that he decided to stay my place during the weekdays and return back for the weekends. It is like our roles all exchanged.
He also witnessed the hamster climbing out the cage itself cleverly and thus, it is proven that the PRC was innocent. This should her even more 'prideful' after this incident.
However, I told him that I was still sore about his mum 'chasing' me out of her house, acusing me of hitting her son that night when I did not, being biased towards the PRC woman and even telling me that I am not welcomed in her house anymore. Guess I am really fed up this time with all the attitude change towards me from my mum in law ever since the PRC woman was in the picture. I don't ask for much, just some form of fairness or at least don't show all the prejudice as well as biasness so obviously. It is totally not fair to me.
Anyway, I would be slightly happier back at my own home. At least I need not put up with biasness or anyone who decides to be nasty and sabotage my stuff. I also need not see the cocky look on that PRC woman's face that she has won the battle. I still don't think she is as innocent as everyone thinks she is.


Clarice said...

wait there is something missing: since ur husband saw with his eyes that the hamster climbed out of cage, why didn't he say so before on that day when u all had ur fight? maybe that might have made things less complicated no?

Mint + Bitter Chocolate = Heaven said...

he only found out when he returned back last week...