Met up with my wedding emcees for dinner on Friday and have confirmed them due to the fact that it is worth the price (1 English Emcee, 1 Chinese Emcee and 1 Assistant Coordinator) and that the emcees seems very professional, especially their confidence to motivate my guest as well as handle any bloopers that may happen during my wedding banquet.
So guess, more or less my wedding preps are quite done. Now it is just left with gown fitting, photo-shoot, finding KIV honeymoon place, saving up and lastly, to keep my health as well as complexion intact. LOLX.
Currently, working on my guest list. Good news is that most my close friends and their spouse/bfs are invited and for those whom I can't 'afford' to invite due to space contraints, my sincere apologies.
PS: To Clarice, don't get too upset about things that are about to happen. Take them in stride and be positive to whatever outcome it maybe. OK? :)
About Me
- Mint + Bitter Chocolate = Heaven
- Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Boar Personality
This is the sign of honest, simplicity and great fortitude. Gallant, sturdy and courageous, a person born in this year will apply himself to an allotted task with all his strength and you can rely on him to see through. Outwardly, he may appear rough-hewn and jovial, but scratch the surface and you will find pure gold.
The Boar is bound to be one of the most natural people you could come across. The original nice guy, winner of the "Charlie Brown" award, he will never hit you below the belt. The Boar person is popular and sough after because, like the Sheep and Rabbit, he seeks universal harmony. No doubt he will fights and differences with others, but he will not carry grudges unless you give him no choice. He doesn't like to add fuel to the fire in a confrontation and will usually let bygones be bygones. The lenient Boar will always take the first step forward and establish excellent rapport with others. If he fails, it certainly won't be for lack of trying at his end. He will be blessed with great endurance. He can work steadily on one thing at a time with incredible patience and will make an excellent and exact teacher.
However, he is equally reputed for his wanton pursuit of pleasure, and even depravity, when he emphasizes his negative traits.
In his life, the loyal and thoughtful Boar will make lasting and beneficial friendships. He enjoys gatherings of all kinds, giving parties and hosting fetes, joining clubs and all kinds of associations. A quiet organizer, who hates arguments and bickering, he is capable of bringing people of all sides together. His credibility and sincerity are his best assets. Yet, he can be a bit too affable and condescending at times, and he also expects others to tolerate his weaknesses.
The Boar will not dazzle you like the Dragon, nor bewitch you like the Monkey or Tiger, nor mesmerize you like a hypnotic Snake. He will simply grow on you until you cannot do without him. The solicitous Boar is synonymous with diligence and shining, old-fashioned chivalry. He won't mind taking up the burdens of others; he won't rebel at staying in the background or even supporting the whole cast with his incredible strength. He is the kind of person we tend to take for granted until he leaves us to fend for ourselves--totally stunned by our dependency on him.
It will be easy to trust the kindly Boar. He rarely has ulterior motives. As matter of fact, he is too innocent and naive, and as a result, he is the favorite victim of swindlers. Still, the guileless Boar is fortunate in the sense that he will always find people to help him even though he does not go around begging for favors. He would prefer to be on the giving end, and when he is in a position to help you, you can be sure he will extend his hand. Fortune will favor him in many respects because of his all-round goodness and faith in his fellowmen. The Boar believes in miracles and miracles will happen to him.
Calm and understanding, the Boar is a genial fellow who can and will tolerate a lot of nonsense from his friends. He is quick tempered too, but since he hates quarreling, he will end up giving his opponents the benefit of the doubt. All told, he is one of the most accommodating guys you could find.
A person born in this year will be a great fund-raiser. He will have a penchant for social work and charity because a spirit of selflessness prevails over such functions and because he seeks to identify with as many people as possible.
When the world is cruel to you and fate has dealt you a stinging blow, run to a Boar. Author of the Good Neighbor policy, he will welcome you and your troubles with open arms. He is good listener and even when you are definitely in the wrong, he will never have the heart to tell you so. He will do what he can without rubbing any salt into your wounds. He'll even get others involved. He'll call upon his Masonic brothers or hold a fund-raising dinner to help pay your debts. The Boar doesn't mind commitments. He's made for them. He has a good strong back and the biggest heart that can be found. These are no mean virtues by any standard and pretty hard to come by wherever you go. With a Boar, it is simply, "ask and you shall receive."
Now, to be perfectly fair, we must see the other side of the coin. While the Boar may be generosity itself, he also adheres to the "what's mine is your and what's yours is mine" maxim.
When your Boar friend comes calling, he will help himself to your food, your wine, your clothes, your new golf set, your latest camera, your car, etc, with relative ease and childlike simplicity. Telling him off could be a problem. He will respond with great disbelief and hurt. He won't understand or your one-way street mentality.
Ms. Boar will be either spotlessly clean or terribly untidy. All Boars tend to come in the these two categories and there are only rare cases of in-between. Nonetheless, she will be very personable and modest. She will devote every ounce of energy she has to the objects of her affection and ask for very little in return. You will be able to identify her by her remarkable purity of expression and trusting ways. Yet, although she loves with total abandonment, she will show a preference for anonymity or even secrecy. She can worship someone at a distance for years or serve him with passionate devotion without his knowing about it. She could play the perfect hostess to her husband's cronies and spoil the children by constantly answering to their beck and call not to mention picking up after them all the time. But she won't mind, and when she does complain, it will be mild. Actually, she loves tending to her family and will look upon them not as burdens but as her pride and joy. With her, it will be a labor of love. Wherever she presides, people will congregate in an atmosphere of happiness and contentment.
Defenseless against deception, the Boar person likes to trust everyone and will believe almost anything they tell him, even if they are strangers or people he knows superficially. Needless to say, the Boar and his money are easily parted. The unsophisticated Boar should avoid handling finances. With him, it could be, "easy come, easy go". He is soft-hearted and too sympathetic to hold the purse strings.
By nature, the Boar is materialist, yet he loves to share whatever he has. The more he gives, the more he seems to have. Unselfish and unassuming, he is surrounded by an ever-widening circle of friends whom he will allow to take advantage of him. He has equal need of them, too, as the sociable Boar must always feel part of the gang and enjoys footing the bills and being looked up to.
On the other hand, he is also thick-skinned and can dismiss insults and unpleasantness with a shrug. he does not like to look too far beyond tomorrow. It may be these traits that will help him recover quickly from the misfortunes that may befall him. The gregarious Boar just does not take calamity all that seriously.
Behind the sweet and reasonable facade of the Boar, there hides a remarkable power of resoluteness. He can take the seat of authority any time he pleases, but the Boar is his own worst enemy. His scruples always get the better of him and serve more as a hindrance to his progress than anything else. On the other hand, when he is pushed to the limit, he can respond savagely and turn into raging foe. He can summon up tremendous energy and perform Herculean feats.
While the Boar may appear gullible, he may be smarter than you dream. Actually, he knows how to care for his interests in an inoffensive manner, and by allowing you to take him for a ride, he may just give giving you enough rope to hang yourself. The Chinese saying " What is yours will always find a way to come back to you" applies to the Boar's policy in full force.
Anyway, being of scrupulous makeup, the Boar will rarely be a trickster or thief. He is all too uncomfortable with ill-gotten gain and will be haunted by severe guild feeling over the slightest transgression.
Once the Boar is driven to litigation--everyone loses. He may be barricaded by an army of lawyers or even held incommunicado by those familiar with his forgiving nature. He doesn't really hate you and personally regrets being the instrument of bitterness, but once his legal advisers have set the wheels into motion he is forced to go along with the suit. Even when he does win, he may be plagued by remorse for the rest of his life. Tangling in lawsuits will get the Boar dragged deep into the mid of the legal pit. His involvements in legal cases are often doomed to be long and complicated.
Being a sensuous creature, the Boar has strong passions. Endowed with extraordinary vigor and stamina, he is admired for putting his heart and soul into work. Then again, his very strength could turn out to be his undoing. Because of the fact that his virility and vitality are above average, the Boar will love to savor the good things in life without restriction. If he is unable to check his enormous appetites and practice self-control, the Boar will be corrupted or debased by people who know how to exploit his frailties.
The honest Boar loves with all his heart. He is very considerate as a rule and does not know how to camouflage his emotions. In a love affair, he or she is most likely to end up as the injured party. He could carry the torch for years to come.
His main fault will be his inability to say "No" firmly to himself, his family and his friends. In some cases, he will oblige others by making concessions that it would be wiser to avoid and end up in a heap of trouble. However, when difficulties result, he will bear the blame and burden uncomplainingly. He will become bankrupt at least once in his life, but he will always manage to make a comeback, brighter and bolder than before. The secret of his success lies in his good faith, generosity and resilience.
The Boar will elect to work hard in life, and he will play just as hard, too, so long as he can use up his bountiful supply of energy. With his basic aptitude and conscientiousness, he will triumph and provide well for those about him. His life is fated to be blessed with all he will need and the money, power and success that comes to him will be unselfishly shared with one and all. With his robust and free-spending ways, the burly Boar will always be found living it up. He is the perfect friend, forever willing to do you another favor, or led you another dollar. Maybe this explains why he is so lucky! At times, it seems he owns the Horn of Plenty.
Although intelligent and well-informed (everyone will somehow tell the Boar his secrets), the Boar person is not deep. He accepts things at face value and would rather conceal the misgivings he has about others in order to keep the peace.
But it is also said that the Boar has a fatalistic streak to his nature, and when he has nothing further to lose, he could turn into the most negative and debauched of creatures, throwing himself into an abyss of self-gratification and eventual destruction.
Most of the Boar's problems stem from his overgenerous character. If he could contain his basic urge to do too much for others and to promise more than he can deliver, he should have few major upsets.
The Boar will have a happy life when he shares it with the quiet and sagacious Rabbit or the gentle Sheep (my husband). He will also get along well with the Tiger. The Rat, Ox, Dragon, Horse, Rooster and Dog will make secondary teammates and have no serious conflicts with the Boar. He may find the company of other Boars too stimulating; but will be able take the things in stride. Most of his problems will arise from the dealing with the Snake and the Monkey (my future sis in law), for he will be no match for their cunning and wit.
The Boar is bound to be one of the most natural people you could come across. The original nice guy, winner of the "Charlie Brown" award, he will never hit you below the belt. The Boar person is popular and sough after because, like the Sheep and Rabbit, he seeks universal harmony. No doubt he will fights and differences with others, but he will not carry grudges unless you give him no choice. He doesn't like to add fuel to the fire in a confrontation and will usually let bygones be bygones. The lenient Boar will always take the first step forward and establish excellent rapport with others. If he fails, it certainly won't be for lack of trying at his end. He will be blessed with great endurance. He can work steadily on one thing at a time with incredible patience and will make an excellent and exact teacher.
However, he is equally reputed for his wanton pursuit of pleasure, and even depravity, when he emphasizes his negative traits.
In his life, the loyal and thoughtful Boar will make lasting and beneficial friendships. He enjoys gatherings of all kinds, giving parties and hosting fetes, joining clubs and all kinds of associations. A quiet organizer, who hates arguments and bickering, he is capable of bringing people of all sides together. His credibility and sincerity are his best assets. Yet, he can be a bit too affable and condescending at times, and he also expects others to tolerate his weaknesses.
The Boar will not dazzle you like the Dragon, nor bewitch you like the Monkey or Tiger, nor mesmerize you like a hypnotic Snake. He will simply grow on you until you cannot do without him. The solicitous Boar is synonymous with diligence and shining, old-fashioned chivalry. He won't mind taking up the burdens of others; he won't rebel at staying in the background or even supporting the whole cast with his incredible strength. He is the kind of person we tend to take for granted until he leaves us to fend for ourselves--totally stunned by our dependency on him.
It will be easy to trust the kindly Boar. He rarely has ulterior motives. As matter of fact, he is too innocent and naive, and as a result, he is the favorite victim of swindlers. Still, the guileless Boar is fortunate in the sense that he will always find people to help him even though he does not go around begging for favors. He would prefer to be on the giving end, and when he is in a position to help you, you can be sure he will extend his hand. Fortune will favor him in many respects because of his all-round goodness and faith in his fellowmen. The Boar believes in miracles and miracles will happen to him.
Calm and understanding, the Boar is a genial fellow who can and will tolerate a lot of nonsense from his friends. He is quick tempered too, but since he hates quarreling, he will end up giving his opponents the benefit of the doubt. All told, he is one of the most accommodating guys you could find.
A person born in this year will be a great fund-raiser. He will have a penchant for social work and charity because a spirit of selflessness prevails over such functions and because he seeks to identify with as many people as possible.
When the world is cruel to you and fate has dealt you a stinging blow, run to a Boar. Author of the Good Neighbor policy, he will welcome you and your troubles with open arms. He is good listener and even when you are definitely in the wrong, he will never have the heart to tell you so. He will do what he can without rubbing any salt into your wounds. He'll even get others involved. He'll call upon his Masonic brothers or hold a fund-raising dinner to help pay your debts. The Boar doesn't mind commitments. He's made for them. He has a good strong back and the biggest heart that can be found. These are no mean virtues by any standard and pretty hard to come by wherever you go. With a Boar, it is simply, "ask and you shall receive."
Now, to be perfectly fair, we must see the other side of the coin. While the Boar may be generosity itself, he also adheres to the "what's mine is your and what's yours is mine" maxim.
When your Boar friend comes calling, he will help himself to your food, your wine, your clothes, your new golf set, your latest camera, your car, etc, with relative ease and childlike simplicity. Telling him off could be a problem. He will respond with great disbelief and hurt. He won't understand or your one-way street mentality.
Ms. Boar will be either spotlessly clean or terribly untidy. All Boars tend to come in the these two categories and there are only rare cases of in-between. Nonetheless, she will be very personable and modest. She will devote every ounce of energy she has to the objects of her affection and ask for very little in return. You will be able to identify her by her remarkable purity of expression and trusting ways. Yet, although she loves with total abandonment, she will show a preference for anonymity or even secrecy. She can worship someone at a distance for years or serve him with passionate devotion without his knowing about it. She could play the perfect hostess to her husband's cronies and spoil the children by constantly answering to their beck and call not to mention picking up after them all the time. But she won't mind, and when she does complain, it will be mild. Actually, she loves tending to her family and will look upon them not as burdens but as her pride and joy. With her, it will be a labor of love. Wherever she presides, people will congregate in an atmosphere of happiness and contentment.
Defenseless against deception, the Boar person likes to trust everyone and will believe almost anything they tell him, even if they are strangers or people he knows superficially. Needless to say, the Boar and his money are easily parted. The unsophisticated Boar should avoid handling finances. With him, it could be, "easy come, easy go". He is soft-hearted and too sympathetic to hold the purse strings.
By nature, the Boar is materialist, yet he loves to share whatever he has. The more he gives, the more he seems to have. Unselfish and unassuming, he is surrounded by an ever-widening circle of friends whom he will allow to take advantage of him. He has equal need of them, too, as the sociable Boar must always feel part of the gang and enjoys footing the bills and being looked up to.
On the other hand, he is also thick-skinned and can dismiss insults and unpleasantness with a shrug. he does not like to look too far beyond tomorrow. It may be these traits that will help him recover quickly from the misfortunes that may befall him. The gregarious Boar just does not take calamity all that seriously.
Behind the sweet and reasonable facade of the Boar, there hides a remarkable power of resoluteness. He can take the seat of authority any time he pleases, but the Boar is his own worst enemy. His scruples always get the better of him and serve more as a hindrance to his progress than anything else. On the other hand, when he is pushed to the limit, he can respond savagely and turn into raging foe. He can summon up tremendous energy and perform Herculean feats.
While the Boar may appear gullible, he may be smarter than you dream. Actually, he knows how to care for his interests in an inoffensive manner, and by allowing you to take him for a ride, he may just give giving you enough rope to hang yourself. The Chinese saying " What is yours will always find a way to come back to you" applies to the Boar's policy in full force.
Anyway, being of scrupulous makeup, the Boar will rarely be a trickster or thief. He is all too uncomfortable with ill-gotten gain and will be haunted by severe guild feeling over the slightest transgression.
Once the Boar is driven to litigation--everyone loses. He may be barricaded by an army of lawyers or even held incommunicado by those familiar with his forgiving nature. He doesn't really hate you and personally regrets being the instrument of bitterness, but once his legal advisers have set the wheels into motion he is forced to go along with the suit. Even when he does win, he may be plagued by remorse for the rest of his life. Tangling in lawsuits will get the Boar dragged deep into the mid of the legal pit. His involvements in legal cases are often doomed to be long and complicated.
Being a sensuous creature, the Boar has strong passions. Endowed with extraordinary vigor and stamina, he is admired for putting his heart and soul into work. Then again, his very strength could turn out to be his undoing. Because of the fact that his virility and vitality are above average, the Boar will love to savor the good things in life without restriction. If he is unable to check his enormous appetites and practice self-control, the Boar will be corrupted or debased by people who know how to exploit his frailties.
The honest Boar loves with all his heart. He is very considerate as a rule and does not know how to camouflage his emotions. In a love affair, he or she is most likely to end up as the injured party. He could carry the torch for years to come.
His main fault will be his inability to say "No" firmly to himself, his family and his friends. In some cases, he will oblige others by making concessions that it would be wiser to avoid and end up in a heap of trouble. However, when difficulties result, he will bear the blame and burden uncomplainingly. He will become bankrupt at least once in his life, but he will always manage to make a comeback, brighter and bolder than before. The secret of his success lies in his good faith, generosity and resilience.
The Boar will elect to work hard in life, and he will play just as hard, too, so long as he can use up his bountiful supply of energy. With his basic aptitude and conscientiousness, he will triumph and provide well for those about him. His life is fated to be blessed with all he will need and the money, power and success that comes to him will be unselfishly shared with one and all. With his robust and free-spending ways, the burly Boar will always be found living it up. He is the perfect friend, forever willing to do you another favor, or led you another dollar. Maybe this explains why he is so lucky! At times, it seems he owns the Horn of Plenty.
Although intelligent and well-informed (everyone will somehow tell the Boar his secrets), the Boar person is not deep. He accepts things at face value and would rather conceal the misgivings he has about others in order to keep the peace.
But it is also said that the Boar has a fatalistic streak to his nature, and when he has nothing further to lose, he could turn into the most negative and debauched of creatures, throwing himself into an abyss of self-gratification and eventual destruction.
Most of the Boar's problems stem from his overgenerous character. If he could contain his basic urge to do too much for others and to promise more than he can deliver, he should have few major upsets.
The Boar will have a happy life when he shares it with the quiet and sagacious Rabbit or the gentle Sheep (my husband). He will also get along well with the Tiger. The Rat, Ox, Dragon, Horse, Rooster and Dog will make secondary teammates and have no serious conflicts with the Boar. He may find the company of other Boars too stimulating; but will be able take the things in stride. Most of his problems will arise from the dealing with the Snake and the Monkey (my future sis in law), for he will be no match for their cunning and wit.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Bad News Of The Day
My preceptor is leaving... It was a sudden shock to me when my manager made this announcement today at the morning meeting. Knowing my preceptor, she conceals her emotions and feelings very well, so I guess, all her unhappiness has gone un-noticed.
Oh well... as it is GCC is already lacking of staff so with one more staff, somemore a very competent staff gone, GCC is going be even more lack of staff...
Oh well... as it is GCC is already lacking of staff so with one more staff, somemore a very competent staff gone, GCC is going be even more lack of staff...
Monday, August 18, 2008
Define A Good & Romantic Husband
1) Does it mean that once a couple has known each other for a old time, romance also grows older and slowly dies off?
2) Is marriage really the tombstone of love and romance?
3) Does it mean that a romantic husband is a drama husband?
Well... this is the theory of my husband whom I have known for 8years and married for 2 years... He is so unromantic and even has forgotten how he proposed to me on 10 Sept 2005. He calls that wu liao. He says holding the customary marriage is just another step after ROM. He states that saying 'I love you' or 'I Miss You' is too dramatic for a couple who has already known each other for a long time.
Guess, love is not just based on romantic gestures anymore, it is how he is willing to take on his responsibility as a husband and the way he plays his role as a husband..
2) Is marriage really the tombstone of love and romance?
3) Does it mean that a romantic husband is a drama husband?
Well... this is the theory of my husband whom I have known for 8years and married for 2 years... He is so unromantic and even has forgotten how he proposed to me on 10 Sept 2005. He calls that wu liao. He says holding the customary marriage is just another step after ROM. He states that saying 'I love you' or 'I Miss You' is too dramatic for a couple who has already known each other for a long time.
Guess, love is not just based on romantic gestures anymore, it is how he is willing to take on his responsibility as a husband and the way he plays his role as a husband..
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Shopping Spree
Went down town in search of Baku's wedding shoes. Not an easy feat as we have to find a shoe for him to match our height and he has to be taller than me on our wedding day. We finally found a pair of 9cm heel shoe for him down this shop called 'Walking Tall'. So for once, he will be taller than me... LOLx.
Next stop was Raffles City, where I went to admire Coach bags... Expensive ok? SGD 600+ for just one bag. Haiz... branded stuff mah... Must get one when my bonus comes at the end of the year...
After Raffles City was Suntec City, where I found Carlo Rino key-chain in the shape of a key and lock. Guess how much it cost? SGD 8 after discount!!! Yipee!!! At Suntec City, I did a custom-made anklet with blue and white swarovski crystal which cost nearly SGD 50 (paid by Baku.) We also watched 'Journey To The Center Of The Earth'.
Popped over to Marina Square for dinner at Kenny Rogers and ice cream at Azaku Japanese Restaurant.
Fulfilling day... Nice to shop around when someone pays... Keke...
Next stop was Raffles City, where I went to admire Coach bags... Expensive ok? SGD 600+ for just one bag. Haiz... branded stuff mah... Must get one when my bonus comes at the end of the year...
After Raffles City was Suntec City, where I found Carlo Rino key-chain in the shape of a key and lock. Guess how much it cost? SGD 8 after discount!!! Yipee!!! At Suntec City, I did a custom-made anklet with blue and white swarovski crystal which cost nearly SGD 50 (paid by Baku.) We also watched 'Journey To The Center Of The Earth'.
Popped over to Marina Square for dinner at Kenny Rogers and ice cream at Azaku Japanese Restaurant.
Fulfilling day... Nice to shop around when someone pays... Keke...
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Miss TPSS Days...
My parents has left for USA yesterday and I am left to enjoy my own home alone. Yes, alone! Don't get mistaken, I didn't argue with my husband, just that I feel like spending my time alone in my own home with no one to disturb me. I want to enjoy myself with the freedom to do whatever I like, whenever I please.
Yesterday was 080808 but nothing special happened to me. Maybe just one- I passed my 3mths long Gynae-oncology course! Now I have moved on to research course...
Anyway, back to my solitude lifestyle for the past 2 days. I was on the net, surfing around and listening to some back to the school days songs and watching the Beijing Olympic openings. While I was listening to those good old school days song, it of course reminded of my secondary days. The carefree-ness to enjoy myself with friends. The art of 'pontang-ing' during the last few weeks of school before the 'O' levels, the comparing of dishes we prepared with my close friends, the Seoul Garden buffet every Friday after school, the crushes and crushees relationship, the innnocence of one-sided love for someone whom in the end left the school when he was in Sec 3, the joy of playing with my friends along the corridor in between classes, singing aloud like mad girls with my 2 'sisters', snapping of neo-cards plus neo-prints and going home together with one of 'sisters'. Really missed those times when life wasn't full of challenges and much politics. Come to think to it, in those days, I had wished that I would grow up faster to earn my own bucks and enjoy spending the bucks I earn without answering to my parents for what I had spent their money on, lastly to enjoy independence and freedom from my parents' crutches. Now I am everything I had wished for when I was a teenager and now I miss those years. It is so ironic, isn't it? LOL...
Life is such full of uncertainities. I never thought myself to commit my future happiness to a guy at the age of 23. I never thought I would love someone so much to compromise so much of my flaws just to accomodate to him. I never thought I could tolerate so much nonsence and unhappiness in the name of L-O-V-E. I never knew myself to even fall in love with him in the first place and even love him enough to marry him. Anyway, now I am already legally married and next year going to marry him in our customarily, I just pray that this marriage lasts with faithness and happiness until the day one of us leaves this world.
Yesterday was 080808 but nothing special happened to me. Maybe just one- I passed my 3mths long Gynae-oncology course! Now I have moved on to research course...
Anyway, back to my solitude lifestyle for the past 2 days. I was on the net, surfing around and listening to some back to the school days songs and watching the Beijing Olympic openings. While I was listening to those good old school days song, it of course reminded of my secondary days. The carefree-ness to enjoy myself with friends. The art of 'pontang-ing' during the last few weeks of school before the 'O' levels, the comparing of dishes we prepared with my close friends, the Seoul Garden buffet every Friday after school, the crushes and crushees relationship, the innnocence of one-sided love for someone whom in the end left the school when he was in Sec 3, the joy of playing with my friends along the corridor in between classes, singing aloud like mad girls with my 2 'sisters', snapping of neo-cards plus neo-prints and going home together with one of 'sisters'. Really missed those times when life wasn't full of challenges and much politics. Come to think to it, in those days, I had wished that I would grow up faster to earn my own bucks and enjoy spending the bucks I earn without answering to my parents for what I had spent their money on, lastly to enjoy independence and freedom from my parents' crutches. Now I am everything I had wished for when I was a teenager and now I miss those years. It is so ironic, isn't it? LOL...
Life is such full of uncertainities. I never thought myself to commit my future happiness to a guy at the age of 23. I never thought I would love someone so much to compromise so much of my flaws just to accomodate to him. I never thought I could tolerate so much nonsence and unhappiness in the name of L-O-V-E. I never knew myself to even fall in love with him in the first place and even love him enough to marry him. Anyway, now I am already legally married and next year going to marry him in our customarily, I just pray that this marriage lasts with faithness and happiness until the day one of us leaves this world.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
What Is A Nurse?
She's such a special person,
She's an angel in disguise,
With tenderness in every touch
And caring in her eyes.
She's the one who'll sit beside you
To talk away our fears,
She'll soothe your spirit, warm your heart,
And wipe away your tears.
She'll comfort you, look out for you
With true concern and care.
And when you need a helping hand,
YOu know you'll find her there.
She cares for all her patients.
With true expertise and pride,
Her warmth and dedication
Come from way down deep inside.
A nurse is a professional
Who goes the extra mile...
What is a Nurse?
A little bit of heaven... with a smile
She's an angel in disguise,
With tenderness in every touch
And caring in her eyes.
She's the one who'll sit beside you
To talk away our fears,
She'll soothe your spirit, warm your heart,
And wipe away your tears.
She'll comfort you, look out for you
With true concern and care.
And when you need a helping hand,
YOu know you'll find her there.
She cares for all her patients.
With true expertise and pride,
Her warmth and dedication
Come from way down deep inside.
A nurse is a professional
Who goes the extra mile...
What is a Nurse?
A little bit of heaven... with a smile
Sunday, August 3, 2008
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