As 2014 comes to a close soon, it is time to clear the cobwebs and move on to 2015 with some resolutions...
1) to build a loving and blissful home with my fiancé, turning husband in April
2) to have a happy and fulfilling marriage with my fiancé, turning husband in April
3) parents to finally see that I have not made any rash decision and will be comfortable with my decision to marry my fiance as well as to start my life with him despite all the odds.
4 ) to have a successful wedding in April
5 ) to either change job with better prospects or to maintain in my current job with a pay raise
I have learnt to stop expecting too much as the disappointment may be greater. Hence, I have made simple resolutions and wishes for 2015.
May everything go smoothly for me in 2015. I have not have much peace since my divorce. The greatest blessing is my fiancé who understands and supports me through it all. Of course, there is also my God, who gave me the strength to survive all these nonsense and obstacles.