About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Happiness is...

What is happiness to me as a kid....
- able to play with the kids I want
- able to watch my tv shows without doing my homework
- able to go on car rides with my dad
- able to walk to Esso with my dad for an ice-cream and back home again in the middle of the night
- growing up to gain my own freedom

What is happiness to me as a teenager...
- able to get good grades for my Literature, English and F&N
- able to wear sexy clothes and be prettier than my cousin
- able to have go chalets and stay overnight away from home
- able to have constant attention from guys and flirt with them
- able to have my close friends to understand me
- to pursue my dreams to be a nurse and get my diploma

What is happiness to me as a young adult...
- have a stable job as a nurse, away from all the shit and politics
- clubbing at Zouk and having fun with alcoholic drinks
- have a guy who drives or at least owes a bike
- have a guy who loves me and have fun with me
- getting married to the guy I love and having his kids
- owing my own house
- have endless cash to buy my luxury bags and jewelleries

What is happiness to me now...
- having a good career and holding a 'position' at work
- getting parental approval of my boyfriend cum fiance
- fiance to do well and have a stable income enough for us to buy a house
- having a boyfriend who is able to drive me to work and back home after dinner
- have endless cash to travel around whenever I like
- people who doesn't remind me that I am a divorcee due to a series of mistakes I made as a young adult
- settling down with my fiance to a better future

PS: When I was young, I wanted to grow up. When I am grown up now, I wished that I could return back to my toddler stage, where life was much simpler and less stressful.

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