About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Friday, January 14, 2011

2nd Time Failure

It is official! My brother in law is a divorcee yet again. His 2nd marriage had failed yet again. Predictable ending.
The PRC has 're-appeared' from her year long of 'disappearance' since she walked out of the house in Sep 2009. This time her appearance was from Guangzhou to pass my brother in law a lawyer's letter asking for a divorce. Her reason for divorce was that my brother in law is or wasn't unable to 'provide' for her the tai-tai lifestyle she wanted and thus, she has found a man who is able to provide for her needs and luxury lifestyle she has desired for.
My brother in law has signed the creed for divorce and is now under 'separation' for another 1+ year before the divorce would be finalized under Singapore law. Then, would the PRC be able to marry again.
Anyway, she has gotten what she wanted: a PR citizenship in Singapore. So she is free to do anything in Singapore as she like without being asked to produce a visa or return back to China...
I am not gloating over this matter although I am one of those who disliked the PRC woman and predicted this outcome the moment she stepped her foot into this house 3 years ago after barely knowing my brother in law. My sympathy does goes out to my brother in law as he had total trust in her and was even fiercely defending her whenever friends or relatives attempted to warn him about this woman. Now the truth shows that everyone was right about her from the start and he was the foolish one. According to my mum in law, relatives are now mocking him for his foolishness and failed marriage. Poor guy! He has even resort to total avoidance of relatives during family functions and gatherings. He has also refused to talk about this matter to my mum in law in much details due to the embarrassment.
I do hope he does find himself a better woman to marry ( that is if he is ever daring enough to fall in love and allow the relationship to progress to marriage again)...

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