About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Last Day Of Work

Tonight would be my last night duty for me and it would also mark my last day working in Ward 43 before I am off to study... No particular feeling, no sadness, no anxiety, no missing, absolutely nothing! Guess I am still not over Steven Gately's passing. Am still updating myself daily over his latest news, in search of autopsy results, urine tests for cannabis and waiting for the Bulgarian man to say his part of story. What infuriates me is that his Steven's partner, Andy, was like being intimate with the Bulgarian guy while Steven was supposedly asleep 'or rather dead' only to be woken the next afternoon realizing Steven was cold & blue in a crouching position the sofa, DEAD.

I somehow wished I would get to see the memorial service or burial ceremony via SCV or internet. Don't mind paying a little for it also. I just hope SCV would be able to do the same as it did with MJ's tribute with Steven's.

RIP Steven Gately. Boyzone would never be the same without. Your voice and smile will be missed by many fans, including myself, around the world. What is Boyzone without Steven, anyway???

1 comment:

Clarice said...

hmmmm... boyzone has ronan keating too :) but of cuz i know u are a
big fan of steven gately...

good luck back to sch!