About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Can someone help me? I need someone to offer me some sound advice how to deal with this arrogant, noisy, self-centred china woman who shares the place where I call home?

Now my brother in law has made final plans with her for their upcoming wedding in September, she is getting more cocky thinking she is the princess now. I understand my brother in law has no choice but to marry as he has already promised her parents to marry their daughter and moreover, this woman is his boss's wife's niece, thus his livlihood and bonus is dependent on her indirectly. Although, he has secretly verbalized his difficulties with my mum in law but he still feels that since everything has been planned and due to his job stability, he wants to go through the marriage.

The point is as much as I pity him, I also cannot stand how this woman is behaving like as if she is the queen and trying to prove herself to be more capable as a daughter in law than me. She cooks for my mum in law ('cause she has nothing to do whole day at home), she spends most of her time (when my brother in law ain't home yet) to sit down and chat with my mum in law loudly as if for the whole block to hear their conversation, lastly, her arrogant look on her face is getting on my face like as telling me ' I am better off than you'.

I am pretty much fed up with her but yet, I don't wish to do anything evil, cruel or bad to her. I don't want to sin because of this woman. Not worth it! But she is getting on my nerve, especially now with my husband in reservist, she is making my blood boil everytime I see her...

How? What should I do about her, bearing in mind she is now the queen and everyone in this family is being extremely supportive and in favour of her as my brother in law's life depends greatly on her??

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