About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

I Have Loss My Hearing

How should I start this post without feeling a sense of despair or negativity? I don't how so just let me rant. Let me get this feeling of hopelessness out.

Yes, I have loss my hearing, not sure if it is temporarily or permanently. Currently, trying this 'salvage therapy' involving taking high dose of steroids and anti-viral for the next 2 weeks to see if anything can be done to reverse this hearing loss. In medical terms, it is called Sudden Sensorial-Neuro Hearing Loss.

I actually notice this change in hearing abt 2 weeks back but during the first week, I thought it was the actual ear infection or impacted ear wax and tried to self-medicate. Then the next week, I went to a GP and was told it was Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, asked to try out a week of anti-congestants.

When I visited the ENT specialists, after doing the hearing test, it is finally reveal that I do have mild hearing loss but all my nasal anatomy as well as ear are all fine. No problems with ear wax, Eustachian Tube or even sinuses. But I feel like my sinus are ready to explode, I have a constant headache, there is a constant humming sound in my affected ear and now getting this news that I have hearing loss just makes me feel terrible.

Although on paper it is mild hearing loss, but the effects of it is great impact. I can't hear anyone talking to me when the surrounding is noisy, and I won't be able to hear anyone speaking to me without getting my attention first. I am experiencing something that I have never had to deal with before. And it scares me to think that I am losing my hearing at age 38! I still probably have a long way ahead of me if I do live to at least 70 or 80 yrs of age. If this hearing loss permanent then what? Hearing aid? So debilitating!

I already hate taking medication and now while on this 'salvage therapy', I have to take 14 tablets in the morning and 3 at night. Argh! If the therapy works, that's great, if it doesn't then I have to plan what's next installed. Steroidal treatment intra-membrane into the ear? 

Autoimmune Disease is damn't non-sparing!