About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Saturday, June 30, 2018


别堆砌怀念让剧情 变得狗血
深爱了多年又何必 毁了经典
像谢幕的演员 眼看着灯光熄灭

来不及 再轰轰烈烈
就保留 告别的尊严
我爱你不后悔 也尊重故事结尾

分手应该体面 谁都不要说抱歉
何来亏欠 我敢给就敢心碎
镜头前面是从前的我们 在喝彩
离开也很体面 才没辜负这些年
爱得热烈 认真付出的画面
别让执念 毁掉了昨天
我爱过你 俐落干脆

最熟悉的街主角却 换了人演
我哭到哽咽心再痛 就当破茧
来不及 再轰轰烈烈
就保留 告别的尊严
我爱你不后悔 也尊重故事结尾

分手应该体面 谁都不要说抱歉
何来亏欠 我敢给就敢心碎
镜头前面是从前的我们 在喝彩
离开也很体面 才没辜负这些年
爱得热烈 认真付出的画面
别让执念 毁掉了昨天
我爱过你 俐落干脆
再见 不负遇见

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Reminders.. Another Phrase of Life

Whenever I hear any Jay Chou's song, especially those in early 2000—2012, it reminds me of you. Still feel the hurt, yes, but I have learnt to handle the grief better. Guess no matter how much I would like to forget your existence, I wouldn't be, 'cause you have imprinted so much scars and hurt towards me, wasting 12 years of my life on you.

As much as I know that you have moved from your previous address, changed your number and I even managed to find out your new address and mobile number, don't worry, I won't bug you. You lead your life. I lead mine too.

We both have moved on as evident by new address. I believe you are also happier after me as much as I am better off after you.

Good luck and all the best.