About Me

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Just the blunt and honest me. Just someone who needs to air her inner most feelings and thoughts. Just a female who suffers from a crazy life journey, with lots of ups and down in her life. Just another moronic human being who wishes for peace and serenity in life one day.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Coffee Love


A failed and dead love relationship is akin to drinking coffee when you are seriously sleep deprived: Useless. 

At times when I listen to sappy love song, I can't help to allow old memories to flood my mind and I began to ponder about how glad I am that I moved on and walked away from all the torturous, emotional roller coaster ride that I put myself through before.

It was painful to be the only one struggling to make my previous relationship/marriage work out the way I had always hoped for it to be, as a teen to young adult. It seems like I was the only one who is sacrificing my pride and humbling myself to a guy who didn't seem to appreciate my efforts to work out the sinking marriage. Instead, he tried to sink it further to the stage where I decided that it was not salvageable and decided to allow to end with a divorce.

My current life may not be perfect but I am happy. I am contented to my life now, mundane yet fulfilling. I am old enough to stop seeking the 轰轰烈烈 kind of life, I rather live my life in stability, peacefulness and serenity. I have a understanding fiance, who is mature enough to handle my emotions and temper. I have a career with a not-too-bad pay. I have a parents who has practically left me alone to fight for my own dreams, which is good as I hate people breathing down my neck and telling me how to lead my life. 

No one is perfect. Nothing is perfect. It is how you choose to view imperfections that makes perfection.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy Birthday To Me

 Birthday was spent with fiance and a couple, who are close to us...

Aged a year older
The pictures would have summarized my whole day of celebrations and fun... May the next one year of my life be filled with joy and blessing!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

10th May before 12th May

What happens when a dreaded date occurs just two days before your birthday?
Do you celebrate your birthday with a foul mood?
Would you still want to celebrate your birthday with the bad memories of the past haunting you?
Would you allow the bad memories to dampen your birthday mood?
Would you pretend that 10th May doesn't come before 12th May?
Could you totally wipe out the sad memories of a supposed celebratory event, which now is replaced with a daunting or mocking event, two days before your birthday?
Could you pretend that the bad memories doesn't affect you in one way or another?
Could you pretend that the sad memories doesn't exist in your life?

Anyway, not many people will be celebrating my birthday, only my parents and my fiancé. I am also not surprised that people will forget my birthday, afterall, I am always a non-existing person until I am 'needed' by them for medical knowledge or nursing skills or free medications to avoid medical fees incurred when visiting doctors.

Turning 31 also something I am looking forward to as it just marks me being older and one step away from my life's dream milestone. It is also a mockery to me that life hasn't been too good for me since turning 29. Stepping into another year in my life just means I am growing older and nearer to being a failure in my own goals of life. Nothing to celebrate also.

Basically, life has pretty much sucked for me since I was turning 29. The only few good things that happened me since then was knowing my fiancé and being engaged to him, getting my degree, finding a better job prospect and being promoted soon after joining the company.

Until I blog again... Here's wishing my dearest pal, Happy Birthday one day after me! God bless.